Flowers and Leaves

Our beautiful story

Flowers & Leaves came into existence when we fell in love with a beautiful patch of land in the verdant Dargle Valley. Here, in 2002, we started our journey with essential oils and the bountiful plants they are drawn from.

As our Tea Tree & Lavender plantations flourished, we soon realised that we needed to share our appreciation of plant oils and so our collection of bath and body products were created. 

As in those early days, we are still inspired by nature every day.  We honour traditional manufacturing methods and consider hand-crafted products to be superior to mass-manufactured ones.

We feel strongly about supporting local economies especially through the purchasing of raw materials that are grown in South Africa and to a larger extent, Africa.

As a family, we are very aware and careful of what we leave behind for future generations.  We are constantly improving our sustainability and recycling practices and will always only use glass (and sometimes a bit of tin) to present our products in.

Flowers and Leaves, as our name suggest, will always have plant oils at its heart.  It is our mission to bring essential oils, their valued healing properties and their extra-ordinary perfumes, to everyone who shares this path with us.

Lynnette & Arno

infused with healing and nuturing oil blends